Our Purpose In Community
To be a leading centre of excellence in maximising the listening and spoken language potential of children with a hearing loss.
- To follow and implement the 10 principles of Auditory-Verbal therapy for the purposes of providing a comprehensive family centred support service to hearing impaired children and their families/caregivers.
- To foster and support the development of listening and spoken language in all phases and aspects of the programme.
- To assist in the management and care of each child’s hearing health and to ensure optimal functioning of the prescribed technology; whether it be hearing aid/s, cochlear implant/s or bone anchored/conduction hearing aid/s.
- To support families through the consideration, assessment, fitting and habilitation of a cochlear implant, under the leadership of each individual Cochlear Implant Programme and it’s structures.
- To commit to the training of all professionals practicing in this field of hearing loss, whether they be students, parents, qualified hearing professionals or educators.